常见学位 | BS、MS、PhD |
典型职业及薪水 | 程序员:$80,930、应用软件开发师:$96,260、网页开发师:$67,540 |
签证敏感度 | 无 |
高中课程准备 | 理科 |
所属专业领域 | 理科或工科 |
相关排名 | 2015USNEWS计算机科学排名、2014QS计算机科学世界排名 |
计算机科学(Computer Science,缩写CS)是系统性研究信息与计算的理论基础以及它们在计算机系统中如何实现与应用的实用技术的学科。它通常被形容为对那些创造、描述以及转换信息的算法处理的系统研究。
计算机工程(Computer Engineering)就是研究计算机如何运作并且做到更快捷更精准。其主要包括两方面:计算机软件与硬件工程。计算机工程学学生通过学习数学、物理、计算机科学相关课程,分析设计和研发计算机软件与硬件(计算机芯片、电路板、调制调节器和打印机)。
计算机科学(Computer Science,有时缩写为CS)是系统性研究信息与计算的理论基础以及它们在计算机系统中如何实现与应用的实用技术的学科。
计算机编程 | Computer Programming |
网站开发 | Web Development |
二维设计 | Two-Dimensional Design |
三维设计 | Three-Dimensional Design |
网页设计 | Web Page Design |
Windows应用程序开发 | Windows-Based Application Development |
多媒体创作 | Multimedia Authoring |
绘画基础 | Fundamentals of Drawing |
数码摄像 | Digital Photography |
计算机图形学 | Computer Graphics |
数学 | Mathematics |
微机文字处理 | Microcomputer Word processing |
文件处理 | File Processing |
经济学原理 | Principles of Economics |
会计原理 | Principles of Accounting |
应用编程 | Applications Programming |
业务应用程序开发 | Business Application Program Development |
计算机硬件组件 | Computer Hardware Components |
计算机系统与价格 | Computer Systems and Architecture |
数据库管理系统 | Database Management Systems |
编程语言 | Programming Languages |
软件开发 | Software Development |
人工智能 | Artificial Intelligence |
数据库结构与算法分析 | Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis |
数据库系统 | Database Systems |
Are You Ready To...?
- Join the campus chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery
- Complete an internship designing Web pages, developing software, testing software, or building other computer skills
- Build teamwork skills and friendships while problem solving with other students
- Regularly stay up until all hours trying to debug your computer programming
It Helps To Be...
- Precise and mathematical but also able to think abstractly. In order to solve problems, you’ll need to think like a human and like a computer at the same time. This requires creativity, imagination, and the ability to think logically.
广告学 | Advertising |
艺术 | Art |
艺术教育 | Art Education |
计算机信息科学 | Computer and Information Science |
计算机系统分析 | Computer Systems Analysis |
数字通信与多媒体 | DigitalCommunications and Media/Multimedia |
画图 | Drawing |
摄影 | Photography |
广播电视 | Radio and Television |
视觉传媒 | Visual Communication |
会计 | Accounting |
计算机工程 | Computer Engineering |
赞 | 5