
常见学位 B.S., M.S.
典型职业及平均年薪 精算师:$106,680 、审计员:$71,040、程序员:$39,720
高中课程准备 三角函数、物理、几何、离散数学、计算机科学
所属专业领域 理科
相关排名 2014USNEWS应用数学排名

应用数学(Applied Mathematics)是数学的一个分支学科,集中于科技、工程、商科、工业等专业领域的数学理论应用。


Students of applied math learn how to use math and statistics to solve problems in the applied sciences and engineering. Subjects of study include numerical analysis (approximation methods) and optimization theory (a decision-making technique).


  • 精算师(Actuary):$106,680
  • 审计员(Auditor):$71,040
  • 程序员(Computer Operator/Programmer):$39,720
  • 核工程师(Nuclear Engineer):$107,140
  • 数学家(Mathematician):$101,280
  • 统计师(Statistician) :$79,570
  • 应用软件程序开发员(Software Developers, Applications):$93,280
  • 金融分析师(Financial Analysts):$89,410


微积分I-III Calculus I-III
物理学I-II Physics I-II
抽象代数 Abstract Algebra
微分方程 Differential Equations
应用概率 Applied Probability
复变函数 Complex Variables
离散数学(计算机科学) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
矢量和张量微积分 Vector and Tensor Calculus




  • 是否在教学过程中进行大量实验?本科生阶段是否会与教授一起参与研究?
  • 大学是否提供本硕连读5年制课程?
  • 学生课业是否繁重?
  • 该专业更针对数学领域还是应用领域?
  • 该专业是否开设相关的应用课程?


“A person with a strong mathematical background is uniquely capable of expanding and changing his or her career path.”** James Alexander, Chair, Department of Mathematics, Case Western Reserve University

Are You Ready To...?

Join a campus chapter of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics or other math organization

Take several high-level math classes at the same time

Attend lectures, labs, and computer-based courses

Take abstract concepts from your math classes and use them in your application classes

Work in two subjects, math and your “application” field, such as engineering


Interested in using abstract ideas to solve real problems and able to make connections between two apparently unrelated topics, such as robotic control and math.

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