开设学位 | BS、MS、PhD |
典型职业及年薪 | $103,000 |
签证敏感度 | 否 |
高中课程准备(2) | 理科生 |
所属专业领域 | 商科,不少学校将其设于数学系下 |
相关排名 | 2014USNEWS应用数学排名 |
精算(Actuarial Science),或称精算科学、精算学,是一门应用科学,于财务和保险行业应用数学和统计方法,主要用来评估长期风险。精算涵盖了数个相关领域,尤其是数学的概率论和统计。从事精算的专业人员称为精算师,而一般需通过各种资格认证考试,如:财险精算协会或精算师协会举办的一系列考试。精算师通过分析过去以及现在的数据预测未来的经济走向,帮助人们理智打理财政。
微积分 | Calculus I-IV |
线性代数 | Linear Algebra |
宏观经济学 | Macroeconomics |
微观经济学 | Microeconomics |
保险与风险 | Insurance and Risk |
财务会计 | Financial Accounting |
成本会计 | Cost Accounting |
金融 | Finance |
概率与统计学 | Probability and Statistics I-IV |
利息论 | Theory of Interest |
精算数学 | Actuarial Mathematics |
Are You Ready To...?
- Visit the Be an Actuary website
- Join the national fraternity for risk management, insurance, and actuarial science students, Gamma Iota Sigma
- Study hard for actuarial exams
- Use computers to solve problems
- Take tough exams to break into the field and to advance in your career
- Make calculations and use statistics
- Make predictions
- Explain technical matters to others
- Help create new financial products
- Testify in court or before public agencies
- Solve complicated problems in math and statistics
It Helps To Be...
- Someone who loves the idea of using math and statistics to solve various social and business problems. You'll need to be a self-motivated, goal-oriented communicator. Finally, you should feel right at home in front of a computer.
- Someone who loves crunching numbers and enjoys using computers. You'll also need good communication skills, especially if you choose to work as a consultant. Finally, be ready to keep up with changes in areas such as health and business.
会计学 | Accounting |
应用数学 | Applied Mathematics |
企业通讯 | Business Communications |
计算机信息科学 | Computer and Information Science |
计算机系统分析 | Computer Systems Analysis |
数据处理 | Data Processing |
企业管理 | Entrepreneurship |
金融学 | Finance |
工业管理 | Industrial Management |
国际贸易 | International Business |
物流管理 | Logistics Management |
管理经济学 | Managerial Economics |
数学 | Mathematics |
风险管理 | Risk Management |
统计学 | Statistics |
赞 | 0