1 | 文学研究方法及文学理论Literature Research Method and Literary Theory |
2 | 论文写作Academic Writing |
3 | 文学批评实践Literary Criticism Practice |
4 | 古典文学专题Topics in Classical Literature |
5 | 现代文学专题Topics in Contemporary Literature |
6 | 文学创作Literary Creation |
7 | 比较文学与中国文学Comparative Literature and Chinese Literature |
8 | 文学与电影Literature und Movies |
9 | 汉语风格学Chinese Stylistics |
10 | 现代中文小说选读Selected Readings in Contemporary Chinese Novels |
11 | 文化评论Cultural Critique |
12 | 经典研究Classical Literary Studies |
13 | 中国戏曲文学Literary Works of Chinese Opera |
14 | 叙事文学专题写作Thematic Research in Narrative Literature |