1 | 心理辅导的理论与治疗Theories in Counselling & Therapy |
2 | 心理辅导的程序与议题Processes and Issues in Counselling |
3 | 人文多元化及文化差异Human Diversity & Cultural Differences |
4 | 研究及服务项目的评估Research & Programme Evaluation |
5 | 边缘青年:理论与实践Youth at the Margins: Theory & Practice |
6 | 叙事治疗辅导工作Narrative Approach to Counselling |
7 | 针对特定青年群体的叙事治疗Narrative Practice with Specific Youth Groups |
8 | 儿童及青少年心理健康Child & Adolescent Mental Health |
9 | 认知行为疗法Cognitive-behavioral Therapy |
10 | 老年人心理健康辅导Mental Health Counselling with Older People |
11 | 辅导的叙事疗法(仅供心理健康辅导方向选择)Narrative Approach to Counselling * for Mental Health Counselling Specialization only |
12 | 认知行为疗法(仅供青年辅导方向选择)Cognitive-behavioral Therapy * for Youth Counselling Specialization only |