1 | 人力资源规划和人员配置Human Resources Planning and Staffing |
2 | 培训与发展Training and Development |
3 | 绩效管理Performance Management |
4 | 薪酬与福利Compensation and Benefits |
5 | 雇佣关系与实务Employment Relations and Practices |
6 | 人力资源管理的道德原则Ethics in Human Resources Management |
7 | 人力资源研究方法与分析学Human Resources Research Methods and Analytics |
8 | 学位计划Degree Project |
9 | 中国人力资源管理Human Resources Management in the PRC |
10 | 国际人力资源比较International and Comparative HRM |
11 | 员工敬业度与幸福感Employee Engagement and Well-being |