1 | 运筹学(一)Operational Research I |
2 | 生产运营管理技术Techniques of Production Operations Management |
3 | 商业管理统计软件Statistical Software in Business & Management |
4 | 计算机仿真工具Computer Tools for Simulation |
5 | 应用多变量分析Applied Multivariate Analysis |
6 | 应用时间序列Applied Time Series |
7 | 商业统计与建模Business Statistics & Modeling |
8 | 运筹学(二)Operational Research II |
9 | 绩效管理Performance Management |
10 | 管理复杂度:系统方法Managing Complexity: The Systems Approach |
11 | 抽样调查Survey Sampling |
12 | 精算统计学Actuarial Statistics |
13 | 实验设计Experimental Design |
14 | 硕士论文(一)Dissertation I |
15 | 衍生工具Derivatives |