1 | 中国语言及文学方向Chinese Language and Literature |
2 | 汉语综论Essential Concepts in Chinese Language |
3 | 中国文化要义Essential Concepts in Chinese Culture |
4 | 中国古典文学专题Topics in Classical Chinese Literature |
5 | 中国古典文献专题Topics in Chinese Ancient Classics |
6 | 中国现当代文学专题Topics in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
7 | 中国文学批评史专题Topics in History of Chinese Literary Criticism |
8 | 中国古代语文学专题Topics in Classical Chinese Philology |
9 | 粤语语言学Cantonese Linguistics |
10 | 法律中文Chinese for Law |
11 | 法律中文专业写作Professional Chinese Writing for Legal Purposes |
12 | 两岸三地实用文Chinese Practical Writing in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan |
13 | 政府及公共行政中文专题Special Topics in Chinese for Government and Public Administration |
14 | 商务中文Business Chinese |
15 | 商务中文专题Special Topics in Business Chinese |
16 | 法律中文专题专业中文Special Topics in Chinese for LawChinese for Professional Purposes |
19 | 政府及公共行政中文Chinese for Government and Public Administration |
20 | 传媒中文Chinese for the Media |
21 | 传媒中文专题Special Topics in Chinese for the Media |
22 | 中文创意写作Chinese Creative Writing |
23 | 中文创意写作专题Special Topics in Chinese Creative Writing |
24 | 专业中文专题研究Advanced Topics in Chinese for Professional Purposes |
25 | 专业中文讲论会Seminar on Chinese for Professional Purposes |
26 | 汉学名著选读Selected Readings in Sinology |
27 | 文史哲专书选读Great Works of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy |
28 | 对联诗文写作坊Writing Workshop in Chinese Couplet, Classical Chinese Prose and Verse |
29 | 中国语言及文学专题研究Special Topics in Chinese Language and Literature |
31 | 硕士专题研习 教学中文Master's ProjectChinese for Educational Purposes |
34 | 汉语结构Chinese Linguistic Structures |
35 | 中国语言及文学作品选读Selected Readings in Chinese Language and Literature |
36 | 普通话教中文的理论与方法Teaching Chinese in Putonghua: Theory and Methodology |
37 | 对外汉语教学理论与方法Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Theory and Methodology |
38 | 粤语与普通话对比研究Contras |
46 | 法律中文专题 |