1 | 财务报表分析Financial Statement Analysis |
2 | 财务管理和国际公司Financial Management and the International Firm |
3 | 全球人力资源管理Global Human Resources Management |
4 | 国际组织行为学International Organisational Behaviour |
5 | 全球创新和科技管理Managing Innovation and Technology Globally |
6 | 全球资讯系统Global Information Systems |
7 | 国际商务和全球地缘政治International Business & the Global Geopolitics for Managers |
8 | 课题研究MAGBM Research Project |
9 | 跨国企业战略管理的新兴议题Emerging Issues in Multinational Strategic Management |
10 | 亚洲视角下的比较管理学Comparative Management: Asian Perspectives |
11 | 领导力:在逆境中的管理Leadership: Managing in Adverse Situations |