1 | 地理信息科学专题探讨Special Topics in GeoInformation Science |
2 | 地理国情监测与公共政策入门Introduction to National Geo-survey and Public Policy |
3 | 公共政策空间分析Spatial Analysis for Public Policy |
4 | 城市网络Urban Networks |
5 | 风险与危机管理中的地质信息技术Geoinformation Technologies for Risk and Crises Management |
6 | 环境遥感技术Environmental Remote Sensing Technology |
7 | 地理国情监测与公共政策科研项目Project in National Geo-survey and Public Policy |
8 | 认识生物圈Understanding Our Biosphere |
9 | 地球系统科学Earth System Science |
10 | 地理资讯系统的交通运输应用Transportation Applications of GIS |
11 | 地球岩石圈Earth’s Lithosphere |
12 | 水文学原理Principles of Hydrology |
13 | 微波遥感Microwave Remote Sensing |
14 | 大地测量学与全球参照系Geodetic Science and Global Reference System |
15 | 地形分析与数字地形建模Terrain Analysis and Digital Terrain Modelling |