1 | 心理健康与心理失调Mental Health and Mental Disorders |
2 | 社会福利与社会政策Social Welfare and Social Policy |
3 | 社会工作实务中的职业价值观与法律知识Professional Values and Legal Knowledge in Social Practice |
4 | 人类行为与社会环境Human Behavior and the Social Environment |
5 | 综合社会工作实践(一)Integrated Social Work Practice I |
6 | 社会工作定性研究Qualitative Social Work Research |
7 | 社会政策的基本理论Fundamental Theories of Social Policy |
8 | 青少年:人生风险与抗逆Youth: Risk and Resilience |
9 | 社会服务计划、项目开发与评估Social Service Planning, Programme Development and Evaluation |
10 | 社会工作课题研究Social Work Research |
11 | 实习督导(一)Field Instruction I |
12 | 焦点解决模式Solution-focused Approach |
13 | 项目评估Programme Evaluation |
14 | 社会服务机构的组织理论Organizational Theories for Social Services Agencies |
15 | 家庭干预Family Intervention |