1 | 中国佛教研究Studies on Chinese Buddhism |
2 | 梵文入门Basic Sanskrit |
3 | 宗教研究理论Theories of Religious Studies |
4 | 印度佛教研究Studies on Indian Buddhism |
5 | 人间佛教研究Studies of Humanistic Buddhism |
6 | 净土宗Pure Land Buddhism |
7 | 禅宗Chan Buddhism |
8 | 天台宗Tiantai Buddhism |
9 | 佛教与文化Buddhism and Culture |
10 | 佛教与儒学Buddhism and Confucianism |
11 | 佛教与道教Buddhism and Taoism |
12 | 中国佛教艺术Chinese Buddhist Art |
13 | 佛教与当代社会Buddhism and Contemporary Society |
14 | 佛教与社会专题Special Topics in Buddhism and Society |
15 | 毕业论文Final Paper |