1 | 高级文学研究Advanced Studies in Literature |
2 | 文学与教育学Literature and Pedagogy |
3 | 名家作品赏析Major Author(s) |
4 | 创意写作Creative Writing |
5 | 儿童文学Children's Literature |
6 | 生活写作Life Writing |
7 | 当代主流小说Major Contemporary Novels |
8 | 当代诗歌面貌Aspects of Contemporary Poetry |
9 | 现代话剧Modern Drama |
10 | 文学硕士毕业设计MA Final Project |
11 | 科幻小说与乌托邦Science Fiction and Utopia |
12 | 美国文学American Literature |
13 | 现代主义文学Modernist Literature |
14 | 文学史专题研究Special Topics in Literary History |
15 | 文学批评专题研究Comparative Approaches in Literary Studies |