1 | 公司金融Corporate Finance |
2 | 公司管治与社会责任Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility |
3 | 财务会计与管理会计学Financial and Managerial Accounting |
4 | 量化分析决策Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making |
5 | 全球供应链管理Global Supply Chain Management |
6 | 战略消费者洞察Strategic Consumer Insights |
7 | 创造全球优势Creating Global Advantages |
8 | 管理沟通技巧Managerial Communication Skills |
9 | 人员与组织管理Managing People and Organization |
10 | 竞争优势的战略管理Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage |
11 | 商业分析与数字创新Business Analytics and Digital Innovation |
12 | 数字营销Digital Marketing |
13 | 新兴技术与商业创新Emerging Technology and Business Innovation |
14 | 创业与战略更新Entrepreneurship and Strategic Renewal |
15 | 新创企业管理New Venture Management |