1 | 金融市场及工具Financial Markets and Instruments |
2 | 先进金融基础设施Advanced Financial Infrastructure |
3 | 应用区块链和加密货币Applied Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies |
4 | 关于数据库系统的高级议题Advanced Topics in Database Systems |
5 | 计算金融概论Introduction to Computational Finance |
6 | 机器学习算法及其应用Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications |
7 | 用于机器学习和优化的在线算法Online Algorithms for Machine Learning and Optimizations |
8 | 大数据分析Big Data Analytics |
9 | 量化和算法交易Quantitative and Algorithmic Trading |
10 | 密码学、信息安全和隐私Cryptography, Information Security and Privacy |
11 | 大数据系统与信息处理Big Data Systems and Information Processing |
12 | 网络系统中的安全与隐私Security & Privacy in Cyber Systems |
13 | 数字取证Digital Forensics |
14 | 电子商务的计算机模型Computer Models for E-business |
15 | 基本面衍生品交易策略Fundamentals Derivatives Trading Strategies |