1 | 中国史专题研究:明清社会变迁与早期全球化Topics Studies in Chinese History: Ming and Qing Dynasty’s social change and early globalization |
2 | 现代世界史专题研究:枪支与军队Topics Studies in Modern World History: Guns and militias |
3 | 文化史专题研究:国族记忆Topics Studies in Cultural History: National Memory |
4 | 比较史专题研究:古代中国、埃及和美索不达米亚的宗教虔诚Topic Studies in Comparative History: Religious Piety in Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia |
5 | 比较史及公众史的视野Perspectives in Comparative and Public History |
6 | 中国近代史专题研究:近代中国的普通人Topic Studies in Modern History of China: Common people in Modern China |
7 | 香港史特别专题:英殖民时期新界史Special Topics in Hong Kong History: History of New Territories during English colonial era |
8 | 公众历史特别专题(档案学):档案的管理与理解Special Topics in Public History(Archival Science): Archives’ management and understanding |
9 | 公众历史特别专题(考古学):公众考古学、考古活动社会、经济和文化价值Special Topics in Public History(Archaeology): Public Archaeology, Archaeological activities’ social, economic and cultural value |
10 | 公众历史特别专题(传统中国):中国社会的历史人类学Special Topics in Public History(Traditional China): Historical Anthropology of China |
11 | 比较史特别专题(亚洲):侨乡研究Special Topics in Comparative History (Asia): Overseas Chinese Research |
12 | 比较史特别专题(城市研究):城市的历史与发展模式Special Topics in Comparative History (Urban Studies): Patterns in Urban History and Development |
13 | 比较史特别专题(国际关系):1949至今的中日关系Special Topics in Comparative History (International Relations): China-Japan Relations from 1949 to Present |
14 | 文化史专题研究:近代东南亚的族群与身份Topics Studies in Cultural History: Ethnicity and Identity of modern Southeast Asia |
15 | 香港的古物与古迹Hong Kong’s Antiquities and Historic Sites |