1 | 公共健康实践方向Public Health Practice |
2 | 流行病学概论Introduction to epidemiology |
3 | 生物统计学概论Introduction to biostatistics |
4 | 公共健康原理Principles of public health |
5 | 新发传染病:生态、进化与多主传播动力Emerging infectious diseases: Ecology, evolution and multi-host transmission dynamics |
6 | 环境健康危害与干预措施Environmental health hazards and interventions |
7 | 健康与社会Health and society |
8 | 健康政策和政治Health policy and politics |
9 | 健康传播Health communication |
10 | 公共健康经济学Health economics for public health |
11 | 健康促进与健康教育Health promotion and health education |
12 | 人类健康:全球化世界的前景Human health: Futures in a globalized world |
13 | 公共卫生基因组学导论Introductory public health genomics |
14 | 健康质性研究Qualitative health research |
15 | 健康与疾病的社会心理专题Psychosocial issues in health and illness |
16 | 公共健康实践流行病学与生物统计学The practice of public healthEpidemiology and Biostatistics |
20 | 高级临床流行病学和决策分析Advanced clinical epidemiology and decision analysis |
21 | 高级流行病学方法Advanced epidemiological methods |
22 | 高级统计方法(一)——实验与准实验设计与数据分析Advanced statistical methods I – experimental and quasi experimental designs and data analysis |
23 | 高级统计方法(二)——复杂数据分析Advanced statistical methods II – analysis of complex data |
24 | 环境健康评估Environmental health assessments |
25 | 循证医学:临床流行病学和决策分析概论Evidence-based practice: An introduction to clinical epidemiology and decision analysis |
26 | 传染病流行病学Infectious disease epidemiology |
27 | 健康测量传染病Measurement in healthInfectious Diseases |
32 | 高级统计方法(一)——实验和准实验设计和数据分析Advanced statistical methods I – experimental and quasi experimental designs and data analysis |
35 | 传染病的历史和当代视角Historical and contemporary perspectives of infectious diseases |
37 | 传染病建模Infectious disease modelling |
38 | 公共健康中的传染病 |
39 | 风险:感知、决策与传播 |
40 | 巴斯德免疫学 |
41 | 巴斯德病毒学健康经济学、政策与管理 |
46 | 卫生系统比较:香港和美国 |
47 | 医疗组织财务管理 |
50 | 卫生信息学 |
51 | 健康政策与政治 |
52 | 医疗组织人力资源 |
53 | 医疗管理视角 |
54 | 医疗管理准则 |
55 | 公共健康法与道德标准 |
56 | 卫生资源 |