1 | 公司治理与股东救济措施Corporate governance and shareholder remedies |
2 | 国际与比较知识产权法International and comparative intellectual property law |
3 | 中国投资法China investment law |
4 | 预防性法律:冲突预防方法Preventative law: Approach to conflict prevention |
5 | 国际商事仲裁International commercial arbitration |
6 | 网络纠纷调解Online dispute resolution |
7 | 国际组织International organisations |
8 | 企业冲突Corporate conflicts |
9 | 中国法律当前问题Current issues in Chinese law |
10 | 金融争端调解:香港与国际视角Financial dispute resolution: Hong Kong and international perspectives |
11 | 国际仲裁:实践、过程与策略International arbitration: practice, process & strategy |
12 | 国际贸易法(一)International trade law I |
13 | 协作法与实践Collaborative law and practice |
14 | 仲裁裁决书写作Arbitration award writing |