1 | 知识产权与信息技术Intellectual property and information technology |
2 | 国际与比较知识产权法International and comparative intellectual property law |
3 | 中华人民共和国信息技术法PRC information technology law |
4 | 网络空间规范立法:互联网和规范性理论Regulation of cyberspace: Theories of internet and normativity |
5 | 隐私与数据保护Privacy and data protection |
6 | 网络犯罪Cybercrime |
7 | 通信法Communications law |
8 | 知识产权、创新与发展Intellectual property, innovation and development |
9 | 信息技术法概论Introduction to information technology law |
10 | 网络纠纷解决Online dispute resolution |
11 | 专利法Patent law |
12 | 著作权与创造力Copyright and creativity |
13 | 知识产权管理与商业化Management and commercialisation of intellectual property |