1 | 社会政策与管理Social policy and administration |
2 | 社会工作研究Social work research |
3 | 人类行为与社会环境(一)Human behaviour and the social environment I |
4 | 人类行为与社会环境(二)Human behaviour and the social environment II |
5 | 法律、伦理与社会工作The law, ethics and social work |
6 | 社会服务管理Social services management |
7 | 社会工作社会科学理论Social science theories for social work |
8 | 社会工作理论与实践——个案社会工作Theory and practice of social work – Casework |
9 | 社会工作理论与实践——团体社会工作Theory and practice of social work – Group work |
10 | 社会工作理论与实践——社区发展Theory and practice of social work – Community Development |
11 | 儿童和青少年社会工作方向Children & youth in families and society |
12 | 家庭与婚姻辅导方向Family & marital counselling |
13 | 老年医学与康复方向Gerontology & rehabilitation |
14 | 健康与心理健康方向Health & mental health |
15 | 政策、社区与管理实践方向Policy, community & management practice |
16 | 研究与项目评估方向Research & programme evaluation |