1 | 中国经济学:地理位置、转型与整合The Chinese Economics: Location, Transformation, and Integration |
2 | 城市中国:文化底蕴与当代问题Urban China: Cultural Basis and Contemporary Issues |
3 | 中国国际贸易与外商直接投资地理学Geography of International Trade and FDI in China |
4 | 中国气候变化、环境资源与人口承载力Climate Change, Environmental Resources and Human Carrying Capacity in China |
5 | 中国旅游资源与管理China's Tourism Resources and Management |
6 | 中国实地考察China Field Trip |
7 | 公共政策与地区发展Public Policies and Regional Development |
8 | 中国:环境与可持续发展China: Environment and Sustainable Development |
9 | 全球化与中国空间经济转型Globalization and Spatial Economic Transformation in China |
10 | 香港、澳门和华南的文化旅游业Cultural Tourism in Hong Kong, Macau and South China |
11 | 中国自然环境与资源China's Natural Environment and Resources |
12 | 中国发展研究实践项目Directed Project in China Development Studies |
13 | 环境管理原理Principles of Environmental Management |
14 | 可持续性城市与交通规划Sustainable Urban and Transport Planning |
15 | 中国发展研究硕士论文Dissertation in China Development Studies |