1 | 城市设计视觉传达入门Introduction to visual communications in urban design |
2 | 城市设计研究方法Research methods for urban design |
3 | 城市设计课(一)Urban design studio I |
4 | 城市设计课(二)Urban design studio II |
5 | 学位论文/毕业设计Dissertation/design thesis |
6 | 物理环境和场地规划Physical environment and site planning |
7 | 城市发展与规划远景导论Introduction to urban development and planning |
8 | 城市设计理论成果和基本原理Urban design theories and principles |
9 | 城市设计技术Urban design technologies |
10 | 公共交通系统Public transport systems |
11 | 城市设计专题研究Special topics in urban design |
12 | 城市设计与场所营造Urban design and place making |
13 | 中国城市规划和实践Urban planning and practice in China |
14 | 住房、城市规划与可持续性Housing, planning and sustainability |
15 | 全球化与中国城市和地区发展Globalization and urban and regional development in China |