1 | 行为型交通需求模型建模Behavioural travel demand modelling |
2 | 工程项目环境影响评估Environmental impact assessment of engineering projects |
3 | 高速公路修护工程Highway pavement engineering |
4 | 项目管理——人为因素与组织因素Project management-human and organisational factors |
5 | 交通流量理论Theory of traffic flow |
6 | 交通管理与控制Traffic management and control |
7 | 交通基础设施系统规划Planning of transport infrastructure systems |
8 | 城市发展管理工程学方法Urban development management by engineering approach |
9 | 运输系统工程学Engineering for transport systems |
10 | 交通工程专题研究ASpecial topic in transportation engineering A |
11 | 交通工程专题研究BSpecial topic in transportation engineering B |
12 | 物流与运输Logistics and transportation |
13 | 交通运输统计方法Statistical methods for transportation |
14 | 铁路资产管理Railway asset management |
15 | 交通影响评估Traffic impact assessment |