You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to:
Office of Graduate Admissions
Purdue University Graduate School
155 South Grant Street, YONG 170
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Detail information:
Personal Statement:
We request that you upload your Statement of Purpose into the Electronic Graduate School Application.
There is no word limit but it is in your best interest to be concise.
We prefer that you write a comment or short paragraph under each of the following headings and upload into the electronic application system:
Applicant's Name:
Long Term Degree Objective:
Research Experience:
Future Research Interests:
Other Comments:
Recommendation Letter:
At least three letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically as part of your Electronic Graduate School application before the application deadline.
We suggest submitting the online application after all recommenders submitted their letters.
We urge that all your letters be from academic or professional references as recent as possible and from people who can comment on your recent professional accomplishments and your qualifications for graduate study in Computer Science.
If you have done research, we expect a recommendation from your supervisor.
Please ask the recommenders to include a very brief description of their qualifications for writing the letter.
For M.S. applicants: We recommend that you provide letters of reference from professors who have taught you in your junior and senior years.
For Ph.D. applicants: If you have an M.S. degree, letters from professors who have served on your M.S. committee are particularly helpful.
If you have left or are leaving an advanced degree program at another institution before receiving the degree, we expect at least one letter of recommendation from that institution. That letter should deal with the reasons for your departure.
Not waiving your right to review a letter of recommendation tends to diminish the value of the letter.