You must provide official transcripts and/or academic records at the request of the graduate program or if you are admitted and choose to enroll. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to:
Office of Graduate Admissions
Purdue University Graduate School
155 South Grant Street, YONG 170
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Detail information:
Personal Statement:
The statement of purpose should be a one- to two-page statement describing your professional objectives and your academic and research interests. If possible, the statement should indicate how you see your own research interests overlapping with programs or projects in EAPS. If you have previous research experience, we would like you to write about your experience, and what you accomplished. We are also interested in hearing about any area of your life where you have excelled. Please upload this document into your electronic application. Do not mail separately.
Recommendation Letter:
Recommendation Letters: Please request these be supplied through the electronic application website.