One (1) Official Transcript Is Submitted Online: The transcript must show all previous college/university coursework.
International applicants must submit official records, or attested copies, with certified translations if the records are not in English; please note that notarized copies are not acceptable.
The official transcripts must be sent to the Graduate School and not to the ESM department.
Applicants recommended for admission will be notified by the Graduate School that official/original transcripts/documents and their official English translation must be sent from the originating institutions for review by the Graduate School, in order to finalize an admission decision. Notarized copies are not sufficient.
Curriculum Vitae:
Outlining educational background, professional experience, awards, honors, and publications.
Personal Statement:
Tell us why you want to pursue an advanced degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics and how it will help you further your career objectives. Usually, one page is sufficient.
Recommendation Letter:
Recommendation letters must be on business or personal stationary with an author's signature