Upon admission and your acceptance of admission, you will be asked to send an additional copy of your official transcript(s) directly to The Graduate School at Penn State. You will receive instructions at that time.
Curriculum Vitae:
Current resume or curriculum vitae
Personal Statement:
Statement of purpose (In approximately two single-spaced pages please explain why you are applying to EDTHP. In writing your statement, you might consider some of the following questions: What background experiences led to your decision to apply to our program and what is it about EDTHP that most interests you? What types of career goals or plans do you currently have?)
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation: You will be asked to submit the name and email addresses of three referents that are best qualified to assess your ability to succeed in graduate school. The referents will be sent an email message directing them to the appropriate site to upload their letter of recommendation. You will be notified via email when a reference letter is submitted, but you will not be able to view the letter.
Writing Sample:
For example, an honors paper, undergraduate course paper, Master's thesis, or a review of an article or report published in a recent professional journal which deals with a contemporary educational issue related to your academic interests