One official transcript or academic record from each institution attended. When the degree you are currently working on is completed, provide a final transcript indicating degree awarded. International academic records must be in the original language accompanied by an official English translation. Documents must be issued by the school with the official seal/stamp and an official signature(s).
Mail transcripts to:
Graduate Admissions
Department of Sociology
8128 Sewell Social Sciences Building
1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1393
Curriculum Vitae:
A resume or curriculum vita, though not required, is useful when you are being considered for funding. Please summarize all relevant work or educational experiences, including skills you have and past research or writing you have been involved with that may indicate interests or abilities not obvious in your statement of purpose or other materials. You may also list the names and contact information for additional referees who can provide information about you as a teacher, researcher, or worker. For application purposes, upload a copy of your resume/CV to the electronic Graduate School application in the section, Supplemental Application, Sociology. We will not accept any resume/CVs submitted via email or on paper.
Personal Statement:
Copy/paste your Statement to the electronic Graduate School application, in the Statements section. We will not accept any statements submitted via email or on paper.
Maximum length is 2 1/2 single spaced pages.
We'd like to know the kinds of topics and approaches that interest you. The statement should make us understand that you are really interested in a scholarly life as a sociologist.
Helpful information to include in your Statement of Reasons for Graduate Study: Why sociology? Why Wisconsin? Are there particular faculty or program areas of special interest to you? Do you see your research interests as well-defined or fairly open at this point? Based on your knowledge and thinking now, what research problem(s) would you hope to pursue while here?
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation, submitted through the Graduate School elecronic application form. See the Graduate School web link for instructions. We prefer recommendations from academic sources. If you find it necessary to send paper letters, use the same address as for transcripts (see above). More than three letters may be submitted, if needed.
Writing Sample :
Provide a sample that you believe represents your best work and demonstrates how you write and think, keeping in mind that it will be read by sociologists. We are flexible about what to submit, other than it needs to be in English and needs to be authored by you alone. If you believe it would be advantageous to do so, you may submit two papers. There is no requirement for length, minimum or maximum.
If your best work is in a language other than English, send it accompanied by a summary of at least two pages written by you in English and, if possible, also submit another paper you have written in English.
If your best work is co-authored and you played a major role in the thinking and writing, ask your co-author(s) to send a statement of your role in the work and also submit something else that is singly authored.
For application purposes, upload your Writing Sample to the Supplemental Application, Sociology, in the Graduate School electronic application. We will not accept any Writing Samples submitted via email or on paper.