Official transcripts, sent directly to the Department of Bacteriology (in addition to entering unofficial transcripts in the online application)
Personal Statement:
Your personal statement should address two important areas. One, identify the track to which you are seeking admittance: coursework or research track. Two, explain how attaining the Masters Degree in Bacteriology will help you to accomplish your career goals. Specifically, how will this education (coursework or research track) fit in with your future plans and what do you hope to gain from the program? If you are applying to the research track, you must identify a faculty member who agrees to serve as your research advisor/mentor before being admitted to the program.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation, to be submitted electronically. To generate a recommendation request email to go to your letter writers, list their emails in the online application for admission. The email will include your name with a link to each department's electronic recommendation form. You can change references or send a reminder through the application system. It is recommended that you contact your letter writers ahead of time so that they are expecting your request for a letter of recommendation.