俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1804年,位于美国俄亥俄小城阿森斯,提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程四种学位类型,属于俄亥俄大学系统的一员。
俄亥俄大学OHIO UNIVERSITY坐落于阿帕拉契山脉的小山丘上,被蜿蜒的河流、森林、5座州立公园 所包围着,俄亥俄大学OHIO UNIVERSITY所处的位置在安全、温馨且美丽的城市--雅典市(Athens),约在俄亥俄州首都Columbus东南方75英里.这里的气候四季分明,夏天炎热,冬季会降雪,在秋天时还会见到满山满谷飘落的枫叶.加上充满绿意人文的环境,此区的特色出了具历史性之外,并拥有丰富的社交文化活动,是所历史悠久、充满诗意的大学.
俄亥俄州大学建于1804年,俄亥俄州的雅典,由于历史悠久,因此覆盖了一层浓厚传说色彩的薄纱,此处是美国许 多鬼故事及灵异传说发生的地点,每年雅典的万圣节活动也配合这一个由来以久、充满灵异的传统,盛大举办活动,有来自各地的人士前来共襄盛举,众人在服装造 型上无不争相的绞尽脑汁,有各式各样的奇怪精灵、鬼怪,也有人打扮女巫、法师、恶魔、卡通人物、异形、天使等等,这项活动在美国中部颇具盛名,是美国最盛大的万圣节活动之一,每年总是能吸引成千上万人前来.齐聚在雅典一同欢度万圣夜.俄亥俄大学的吉祥物是“山猫” BOBCAT,因为在周围的山上可见。的雅典,由于历史悠久,因此覆盖了一层浓厚传说色彩的薄纱,此处是美国许 多鬼故事及灵异传说发生的地点,每年雅典的万圣节活动也配合这一个由来以久、充满灵异的传统,盛大举办活动,有来自各地的人士前来共襄盛举,众人在服装造 型上无不争相的绞尽脑汁,有各式各样的奇怪精灵、鬼怪,也有人打扮女巫、法师、恶魔、卡通人物、异形、天使等等,这项活动在美国中部颇具盛名,是美国最盛 大的万圣节活动之一,每年总是能吸引成千上万人前来.齐聚在雅典一同欢度万圣夜.俄亥俄大学的吉祥物是“山猫” BOBCAT,因为在周围的山上可见。
校园面积大,占地1764英亩。大致有4座教学楼:Enarson Hall, Hayes Hall, Ohio Stadium, and Orton Hall。建筑特色不同于俄亥俄大学与迈阿密大学的哥特式建筑风格,而是采取传统、现代与后现代模式的建筑特色。威廉·奥克斯利汤普森纪念图书馆是俄亥俄州唯一的最大的图书馆,该图书馆创建于1913年,保留有意大利文艺复兴时期的建筑风格。自2006年始,该图书馆立志要将自己打造成为21世纪全球图书馆的典范。
1. 两年学制的体育管理MBA双硕士学位也很有特点,课程涵盖商业管理和体育娱乐产业的特色内容,第一年完成MBA核心课程,夏季学程学生可以选择加入国际咨询计划或完成体育实习。
2. 学校提供了至少360个学生组织,有充满活力的学生团队和学院组织,提供给学生除教室外的继续学习经历。俄亥俄州大学提供和所有的学生机会去丰富自己的知识和提高自己的学习能力和文化学习能力。
学校有11个学院,包括:文理学院(College of Arts and Sciences)、商学院(College of Business)、现代艺术学院(College of Fine Arts)、健康与人类服务学院(College of Health and Human Services)、荣誉学院(Honors Tutorial College)、巴顿教育学院(Patton College of Education and Human Services)、拉斯工程学院(Russ College of Engineering and Technology),斯克里普斯传播学院(Scripps College of Communication)、大学学院(University College):该学院都是没有确定专业的学生、研究生学院(Graduate College)、骨科医学院
俄亥俄大学OHIO UNⅣERSITY的图书馆,为全球知名图书馆之一,它知名的原因在于它的馆藏丰富,有200万册的藏书、11,000种定期刊物 、160万份缩影片,并且与美国各地公共图书馆网络联机,建立良好馆际合作,图书馆各部门均采用全面自动化操作系统,每年约有33万册的借书量纪录,各种类的藏书,总计有约有198万册,十分惊人。
俄亥俄大学OHIO UNⅣERSITY除了图书馆让人印象深刻之外,俄亥俄大学OHIO UNⅣERSITY的学校设备也不差,光是运动设备就有体育馆、游泳池、健身房、田径场、篮球场、排球场。在俄亥俄大学OHIO UNⅣERSITY就读,其生活机能也不错,这里除了不定期会有文化活动之外,也有购物中心、电影院、剧院、体育设施及餐厅等等,到邻近的大城如哥伦布市也很近,而且它的户外活动也很盛行,像是健行、攀岩、滑雪、高尔夫、露营等等,都是这里的居民常从事的休闲活动.
1、Court Street is the epitome of fun in Athens. It's the reason that the city gets its reputation as a transplanted Mardi Gras and why OU is known as a top party school.
2、The people. OU is loaded with attractive, outgoing people. It's easy to meet friends who will stick with you for a long time.
3、Even though there are few clubs, the nightlife still rocks. Bobcats know how to party, and they love their bars.
4、Ping. Ping. Ping. Can you say, "One amazing fitness center?" Rock climbing anyone?
5、The classes. With classes like Philosophy of Sex and Love and Mediterranean Food Culture, students are given ample reason to wake up on time.
6、Family weekends are insane. Nothing compares to bars full of partying moms
7、Homecoming weekend is unlike any other experience, especially if you manage to hit the bars at 9 a.m.
8、Cheap drinks and local concoctions put the flavor in the bar scene. Be sure to have a Black Widow and a Junction Punch as soon as you turn 21.
9、The Marching 110. Why watch the game when you can watch one of the best marching bands around? Fans seem to show more loyalty to the band than the team, but they deserve it.
10、Sometimes you've simply got to relax. That is where cooking out and playing beach volleyball at Stroud's come in. Take your mind off of classes for a while and make sure to enjoy any spring day without rain.
1、Parking is without a doubt the worst thing at OU. You're better off driving some sort of tunneling machine than trying to find a spot sometimes.
2、My legs can't take it anymore. Some of the hills on campus are unbearable, and just because the cars don't have to go up all of them, it doesn't mean you can avoid them.
3、William Shakespeare once wrote, "For the rain it raineth everyday." He may have visited Athens. There are few things worse than waking up day after day to rain.
4、On-campus dining hours aren't all that convenient.
5、They make you take some pre-requisite classes that have nothing to do with your major.
6、But there is no joy in Mudville, mighty Casey has stuck out, Ernest L. Thayer wrote in his classic poem "Casey at Bat." The problem at OU isn't that our athletes strike out, it's that the student body doesn't seem to care one way or another.
7、Location; sometimes it feels like you're in the middle of nowhere. And sometimes you are actually quite literally in the middle of nowhere.
8、Unless you are a construction worker, the constant construction work can get annoying.
9、Landlords are troublesome, and rent costs are high.
10、There seems to be a lack of true diversity.
地址:Undergraduate Admissions, Ohio University, 120 Chubb Hall, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979 USA
电话:001(740) 593-4100
地址:Ohio University Graduate College, Research and Technology Center 220, 1 Ohio University, Athens OH 45701-2979,USA
电话:001(740) 593-2800
传真:001(740) 593-4625
地址:Ohio University Graduate College, Research and Technology Center 220, 1 Ohio University, Athens OH 45701-2979,USA
电话:001(740) 593-2800
传真:001(740) 593-4625
地址:Ohio University Graduate College, Research and Technology Center 220, 1 Ohio University, Athens OH 45701-2979,USA
电话:001(740) 593-2800
传真:001(740) 593-4625
地址:Undergraduate Admissions, Ohio University, 120 Chubb Hall, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979 USA
电话:001(740) 593-4100
地址:Ohio Program of Intensive English Department of Linguistics 155 Gordy Hall Athens, OH 45701 U.S.A.
电话:001(740) 593-4575
传真:001(740) 593-4577
地址:Undergraduate Admissions, Ohio University, 120 Chubb Hall, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979 USA
电话:001(740) 593-4100
地址:Ohio University Graduate College, Research and Technology Center 220, 1 Ohio University, Athens OH 45701-2979,USA
电话:001(740) 593-2800
传真:001(740) 593-4625