Transcripts from all universities and colleges attended must be uploaded to your application; do not mail official transcripts to our office.
Curriculum Vitae:
A curriculum vitae (CV) or resumé;
Personal Statement:
A statement of purpose in essay form, indicating your reasons for undertaking graduate study. In addition, please describe your qualifications for the academic program and your objectives in undertaking this program. Applicants to the doctoral program should outline their research interests and how they would complement those of the faculty. Applicants to the master's program should discuss their plans for their academic and professional career and how the degree would help them attain their goals.
Recommendation Letter:
Two letters of recommendation, submitted online. At least one should be from a faculty member.
Writing Sample:
Writing Sample: Please submit a critical writing sample not to exceed 35 pages; the 35-page maximum may consist of a single critical essay or two shorter essays of approximately equal length.