Official transcripts of all previous work showing a major or graduate work in English, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the undergraduate major. You should request that the Registrar’s office either submit the transcripts electronically or mail them directly to the UNCG Graduate School.
Curriculum Vitae:
At the upload button labeled “Supplemental Materials B” (or "Resume") attach one Word document that contains in this order a) statement of purpose (1-2 pages) with your name at the top, and b) your current CV or resume.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation from persons familiar with your academic achievements. In your application you will be entering the names and email addresses of your recommenders, and the ApplyYourself system will contact them through email. Recommenders will upload their references directly into the ApplyYourself system.
Application Essay:
At the upload button labeled “Supplemental Materials A” (or "Application Essay") attach the Word document that contains your writing sample (a research essay from a previous class; must be a nonfiction piece, 10-20 pages).