One official transcript from all colleges and universities previously attended. If credit from one institution has been transferred to another and is listed on the receiving institution’s transcript, a transcript from the original institution is not required. If an applicant is currently enrolled in a degree program and will not graduate prior to an admission deadline, transcripts should be provided that reflect courses in progress.
Curriculum Vitae:
A curriculum vitae or resume is required.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation are required.
Writing Sample:
Writing Samples: fiction samples may include one short story, several short stories, or a section of a novel, and must not exceed 30 pages in length using 12 point type, standard fonts ilke Times New Roman, one-inch margins, and double-spacing. Poets should send no more than 10 pages of poetry. Formatting is the same as fiction, except that poems can be single-spaced. We encourage you to put your name and page number on all manuscript pages. Please do not exceed our page maximums: we remove pages in excess of 30-page maximum before our readers see the material. Manuscript submissions should be uploaded no later than application deadline.