Submit the application and supporting documentation (transcripts, etc.) directly to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Applications received directly by the Department, which meet the eligibility requirements of this program, will not be charged an application fee.Send completed applications to:
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Personal Statement:
Statement of Goals and Objectives. Each application for graduate study at UMBC must be accompanied by a 300- to 500- word statement of the applicant's goals and objectives in pursuing graduate study. Use the form included with this packet or outline your statement on a separate sheet of paper and submit it directly to the Graduate School, not to the program to which you are applying. Include a descripting of relevant work experience as appropriate.
Recommendation Letter:
Letter of Recommendation. Applicants should submit three letters of recommendation from professors or others who can assess the quality of your academic performance and scholastic potential. Please use the enclosec recommendation from and make additional copies as needed (letterhead is acceptable). These completed forms(or letters) must be sent directly to the Graduate School, not to the program to which you are applying. If the recommender does not use the form, be certain that your full name, semester and the program to which you are applying are indicated by the recommenders on the letters.