The Admissions Committee requires official transcripts from each of the colleges and universities you have attended as a registered student (regardless of the number of courses taken), including summer school, study abroad, evening classes, etc. To expedite the application review process, applicants have the option of submitting unofficial university transcript(s) as part of the online application. If you are accepted and you chose to enroll, you will be required to submit official transcripts.
We prefer electronic official transcripts, but also accept hard-copy official transcripts. Electronic transcripts must be sent directly from the institution to . Hard-copy official transcripts should arrive in a sealed envelope with the signature of the Registrar across the seal. DO NOT OPEN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS. The sealed envelope must be sent to the Office of MSBA Admissions unopened.
Curriculum Vitae:
The application will require a resume to be uploaded.
Personal Statement:
Please provide a personal statement (required) and additional statement (optional) for the following questions, each on a separate page, following the guidelines regarding the length of each essay. At the top of each page, please include your full name and restate the question being answered. Use at least 11-point font and 1.5 spacing.
Why is a Master of Science in Business Analytics the next logical step towards achieving your short-term and long-term professional goals? Why is the William & Mary MSBA the right program for you? (Required - 800 words)
Is there any additional information that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee which would be helpful in reviewing your application? Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented in your coursework or resume, for example an academic statement supporting analytics educational experiences not listed on transcripts. (Optional - 250 words)
Recommendation Letter:
Two recommendations are required. It is strongly recommended that applicants request at least one recommendation from an academic reference as it is important to know that you can handle the quantitative coursework required in the program. Please select individuals who are able to provide specific and relevant information about your intellectual and quantitative abilities, performance and motivation. During the online application process, you will be given the opportunity to provide email contact information for your recommenders so that they can complete your recommendation online using our template (preferred method).
If one of your recommenders is unable or chooses not to complete the online recommendation form, you may print out a Recommendation Form to be mailed to our offices or returned to you in a sealed envelope with a signature across the seal. Letters should be written on letterhead stationery and must include a signature and full contact information for the recommender.