Official electronic transcripts must be sent to or the originals mailed to:
Sharon Logan, Graduate Coordinator
Temple University College of Liberal Arts
Dept. of English
1114 W. Polett Walk, 1027 Anderson Hall (022-29)
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090
Curriculum Vitae:
Resumé or CV
Personal Statement:
Personal Statement: Please send through Interfolio a copy of the Personal Statement from your online application. The Personal Statement should discuss your research interests and your interest in the English graduate program at Temple University, your career goals, and your academic and research achievements, if applicable.
Recommendation Letter:
Three (3) letters of recommendation from persons in a position to evaluate applicant’s past work, as well as their ability to do graduate work in literary criticism or creative writing. Request signed, confidential letters of recommendation from your evaluators through your Interfolio account. After your letters have been uploaded to your Interfolio account, you will be able to send them electronically to us without seeing their contents. Your evaluators do not need to also send paper copies of their letters by mail.
Writing Sample:
Writing Sample: A sample essay in literary criticism or rhetorical analysis for literature applicants and a portfolio of poetry or fiction for creative writing applicants