Official transcripts from each undergraduate and graduate institution you have attended are the only requirement not submitted online. Do not delay sending transcripts from in-progress programs as this will delay the consideration of your application. Send all official transcripts ASAP to:
Office of Biomedical Graduate Education
Attn: Regular MS in Physiology
Georgetown University
Box 571411
SE108A Med-Dent
3900 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC 20057-1411
Personal Statement:
Personal Statement is required
Recommendation Letter:
Two (2) letters of recommendation (at least one letter from a science professor) or a committee letter packet.
All applicants have the option to submit up to three letters of recommendation, but only two are required.
For students applying from the G2 ABS Certificate Program, your first letter must be from your assigned ABS Program letter writer and the second letter from a source outside the ABS program (e.g., an undergraduate professor or a science/health care related employer or supervisor). Do not submit two letters from within the certificate program.