An undergraduate transcript: the majority of graduate programs use the Graduate School application, through CollegeNet.
Personal Statement:
a 250 word statement of purpose: explain the connection between USC's programs and your personal goals
Recommendation Letter:
3 letters of recommendation, each sent in a sealed official envelope with the recommender's signature across the seal
Writing Sample:
A writing sample (in the relevant language) of between 1000 and 2500 words. This could be a paper written for an undergraduate course or an essay prepared specifically for the application.
A five-minute sample of your spoken French, German, or Spanish if you are not a native speaker. The file should be saved as an mp3 file on a cd. Please do not simply read a text in the language. The recording should be conversational and could even be between you and a professor or native speaker to help make it sound more conversational if you'd like.