Submit unofficial transcripts from each post-secondary institution (upload through the online application).
Curriculum Vitae:
Submit a document showing the chronological progression of your work and studies via the “Uploads” section of the online application
Personal Statement:
Submit a statement of intent (3 double-spaced pages/approximately 1500 words) that outlines your reasons for wishing to pursue the J.S.D. The statement of intent plays a critical part in the evaluation of applicants, so we encourage you to dedicate sufficient time to prepare a clear, well-written and informative personal statement. Submit your statement of intent in the “Uploads” section of the online application.
Recommendation Letter:
Recommendations play a critical role in evaluating applications. Your recommendations should come from faculty members, professors, lecturers or others who can substantively comment on your academic performance, intellectual capacity and personal character.
Your recommenders should submit their letters electronically through the online application system. Please enter the full name, email address and complete contact information for each provider in the “Recommendation” section of the online application.
Once the recommendation provider information is saved, an e-mail will be sent to each recommender with instructions on how to proceed with the online recommendation.
When the recommendation provider submits the form online, it will become a part of your application.
You can view the status of your online recommendations each time you log into your application account.
Writing Sample:
Submit a writing sample of your choosing in the “Writing Sample” area located at the very end of the “Uploads” section of the online application.