Have each college or university you have attended send one official transcript. These documents are required from every university or college you have attended. Have them sent to - Florida State University, Office of Admissions, 282 Champions Way, P.O. Box 3062400, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2400 (Please note that only transcripts and no other documents are to be sent to this address).
Provide a scanned version of your transcripts or an unofficial copy of your transcripts. Upload your unofficial transcripts into the online application.
Personal Statement:
Statement of Interest
State your reasons for choosing our department/area and your academic goals
You may wish to include information about your academic background and experience
This is part of the online application
Recommendation Letter:
Three Letters of Recommendation
There is no specific form for these letters
University letterhead is acceptable
They may be mailed through the FSU application system or may be mailed directly to the EOAS Department/Oceanography area