Arrange for two copies of official transcripts to be sent from each college or university attended. These must come from the schools; student copies of unofficial transcripts are not acceptable.
Applicants must submit an official transcript (in a sealed envelope) from each college and/or university attended to the Office of Admissions. Transfer credit posted on the records of other institutions is not accepted in lieu of transcripts from the original institutions. Official transcripts for these credits must also be submitted. Transcripts are considered official when they bear an official seal and signature and are sent from the issuing college or university directly to Florida State. FSU transcripts or official transcripts already on file will be obtained by the Office of Admissions.
The address for submitting transcripts is:
Florida State University
Office of Admissions
282 Champions Way
PO Box 3062400
Tallahassee FL 32306-2400
Curriculum Vitae:
A resume or writing sample (optional for master’s students; required for doctoral students).
Personal Statement:
A personal statement to be evaluated for its clarity of expression, creativity and persuasiveness in arguing that the applicant has the necessary record of preparation and performance to succeed in the program; the applicant’s goals can be served by the program’s courses and experiences; the program itself can benefit significantly from the applicant’s talent and experiences; and the applicant will enrich the diversity of students in his or her program. In making these arguments, please address the following questions specifically:
1. What are your career goals; that is, what do you plan to be doing in five years and in 10 years?
2. Why have you chosen to apply to our master’s or doctoral program?
3. What experiences and competencies make you a strong candidate for our program (research skills, computer literacy, teaching experience, awards, etc.)?
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation.