学位要求:Baccalaureate degree
专业要求:Biomedical engineering, chemical engineering or an allied field
课程要求:Students who do not possess a bachelor's degree in biomedical or chemical engineering may be required to complete a department-designated sequence of undergraduate courses with a grade of "B" or higher in each course or may be eligible for an accelerated transitional program taken during the summer prior to full enrollment. Up to six (6) semester hours of 4000-level coursework approved by the Department may be counted as graduate electives. Transfer credit from another institution is limited to six (6) semester hours with departmental approval. Typical undergraduate course sequences (in preparation for graduate courses) include the following courses:
ECH 3023 - Mass and Energy Balances I (3)
ECH 3024 - Mass and Energy Balances II (3)
ECH 3101 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
ECH 3301 - Chemical Engineering Process Analysis (3)
ECH 3266 - Introductory Transport Phenomena (3)
ECH 3418 - Separations Processes (3)
ECH 3854 - Chemical Engineering Computations (3)
ECH 4267 - Advanced Transport Phenomena (3)
ECH 4504 - Kinetics and Reactor Design (3)
BME 4403c - Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology I (3)
BME 4404c - Quantitative Anatomy and Systems Physiology II (3)
Additional courses in subjects including mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics and general engineering also may be required. Acceptance of equivalent courses is evaluated on a case-by-case basis following petition to Graduate committee.
邮寄地址:Office of Graduate Admissions, Florida State University, 282 Champions Way, PO Box 3062400, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2400, USA