If accepted to the degree program, you will be required to submit final official transcripts from all educational institutions you have attended at the undergraduate and graduate levels, except from the University at Buffalo. Official transcripts can be mailed to: University at Buffalo, School of Social Work, 685 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260.
Curriculum Vitae:
Submit a résumé showing relevant education and work experience. Include months and years of employment (i.e. MM/YY - MM/YY). Your résumé should be uploaded as a PDF through the Graduate Application site. Be sure to include your full name -- identical to that used on the application site.
Personal Statement:
Upload your MSW personal statement essay
This is a key component of your application. Your essay should reflect strong technical writing skills, and deeply and critically reflect on the questions provided. DO NOT use a question and answer format, DO write a full essay answering ALL questions in the Guidelines for Writing the Personal Statement.
Read guidelines for writing the personal statement
To upload your completed personal statement to your application, click on the orange "apply now" button on this page.
Upload your MBA personal statement essays (2)
Describe your short-term and long-term career objectives. Be as specific as you can concerning the types of positions and responsibility levels to which you aspire. Describe how earning the UB MBA will help you achieve your goals. (700 words)
Submit a response to ONE of the following three topics: (700 words) Describe a time when you were leading a group that faced a significant problem. How were you able to resolve it in a positive manner?
Describe a time when your ethics were challenged. How did you deal with the situation and what did you learn from it?
Describe a time when you had a significant misunderstanding with someone from a different background or culture. How did you resolve the understanding?
Recommendation Letter:
Select three professional references who are best able to assess your potential for graduate-level academic work and for the profession of social work. This includes:
classroom instructors
academic advisors
current or past employers, supervisors or professional colleagues.