Official university transcripts (universities mail directly to Office of Graduate Admissions).All materials for your application should be submitted online to be received at the Office of Graduate Admissions before the deadline:
Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
56 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8530, U.S.A.
Curriculum Vitae:
You must submit a resume (curriculum vitae), two (2) pages maximum, one (1) page preferred.
Personal Statement:
Your personal statement should be concise, two (2) pages maximum, with one (1) page preferred. This is not an essay. Please explain in simple, plain language why you are interested in pursuing a degree in Mathematical Finance, describe any current or past employment or internship in the financial industry, what type of career you plan to pursue upon graduation, and how our degree program will help you achieve your career goals.
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation (3): Current or former university instructors familiar with your academic performance in prerequisite courses should write your recommendations; letters from current employers or managers are rarely useful. Your recommendations should directly address your suitability for admission to the Mathematical Finance program, including your quantitative and analytic strengths and weaknesses, communication skills (in English), maturity and focus, and potential for future excellence. The most helpful letters give specific examples of the writer's direct observation of the applicant's accomplishments during class or office hours and avoid merely describing the applicant in positive but vague terms. Here is a recommendation letter form (pdf), if you forget to request recommendation letters by email when completing the online application.
Supplementary Form:
Supplementary Form (xls) (download)
The Supplementary Form and Prerequisite Course Description Document allows our Admissions Committee to accurately assess whether or not you have the prerequisites (or equivalent courses) necessary to succeed in our program. This can be difficult to tell from transcripts submitted by some universities in certain countries because the course titles used are too broad (for example, "Mathematics", "Advanced Mathematics", "Engineering Mathematics", "Computers", and so on). Your prompt submission of a carefully completed
Supplementary Form (Microsoft Excel)
Prerequisite Course Description Document (a plain text or Microsoft Word-compatible document created by the applicant)
will ensure that your application receives the highest priority for early review by our Admissions Committee. We thank you for your cooperation and wish you good luck in your application to our Graduate School.