Request official transcript(s) from institutions you’ve attended, including Rutgers. Your institution(s) should send original, official transcripts, showing your degree awarded, to the appropriate graduate admissions office. If your institution is a sending member of Parchment, eScrip-Safe, or National Student Clearinghouse, Rutgers will be able to receive your official transcripts electronically. We also accept electronic transcripts from India sent via TrueCopy Credentials. View address information for Graduate and Professional Admissions offices(
If the official copy of your transcript will be delayed past the program deadline, consider uploading an unofficial, scanned copy of your transcripts.
Personal Statement:
The personal statement provides you with an opportunity to tell the admissions committee about your background, your reasons for wishing to pursue a graduate degree in statistics at Rutgers, and your career objectives upon graduation. It may also include a description of special situations you wish the admissions committee to consider.
Our program offers three tracks: Biostatistics, Quality and Productivity Management, and Data Mining. We also offer the option of a general degree without any track. Students who select the Data Mining track need additional prerequisites in Computer Science. Please indicate (Yes/No) whether you wish to be considered for the Data Mining track.
A new MS in Data Science (statistics track) will start in Fall 2017, pending final university approval. Please indicate (Yes/No) whether you wish to be considered for the MS Data Science track.
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation (3): Fill in your recommenders' email addresses carefully so that they can receive your request and submit your recommendation without delay. Please refer to for more information.