For review and decision purposes you are required to upload an unofficial copy of your transcript(s) in the online application. We require one copy of the scanned transcript from each undergraduate and graduate institution that you attended. Include any transcripts, mark sheets, or grade reports, and any certificates, degrees, diplomas, or statements of graduation or completion from each college or university attended, regardless of the length of attendance, whether or not courses were completed, and whether or not you believe the record will affect your admission or transfer of credit. If you are currently enrolled, send all available records at this time, including courses in progress. Final records are required upon completion of the course work or program. All records should be submitted in the native language, and credentials written in languages other than English must also be accompanied by a literal, certified English translation. ONLY after you are recommended for admission and you confirm your intent to enroll will you need to provide official transcripts.
Personal Statement:
A Personal Statement. (Generally one to two pages double-spaced).
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation, insert the email addresses of recommenders within the online application where indicated. If unable to submit letters online, the recommender may send the letters directly to:
Critical Writing Sample:
A Critical Writing Sample (MA-Literature applicants should submit a double-spaced writing sample of about 10-15 pages. PhD applicants should submit about 20-25 pages).