College transcripts (which can be unofficial versions)
Personal Statement:
Personal statement is requied
Recommendation Letter:
Two letters of recommendation
Writing Sample:
Fiction samples may include one short story, several short stories, or a section of a novel, and must not exceed 25 pages in length using 12-point type, a conventional fonts like Times New Roman, one-inch margins, single-sided printing, and double-spacing. Poets should send a sheaf of poems of no more than 12 pages. Formatting is the same as fiction, except that poems can be single-spaced. Again, please keep your fonts conventional and at-or-above 12-points. We encourage you to put your name and page number on all manuscript pages. Please do not exceed our page maximums: we remove excess pages before our readers see the material. Fellowship applications and manuscript submissions should be in the same envelope and postmarked no later than the application deadline, December 15, 2018. This printed writing sample should be the same as your online writing sample.