1 | 法律外的亚洲跨境问题规范机制Beyond the Law: Regulatory Mechanisms in Cross-Border Issues in the Asian Context |
2 | 中国合同法与商法Chinese Contract and Business Law |
3 | 法律的商业冲突Commercial Conflict of Laws |
4 | 知识产权商业化Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Rights |
5 | 公司法Corporate Law |
6 | 电子商务法E-commerce Law |
7 | 新加坡、香港与大中华区的金融监管Financial Regulation in Singapore, Hong Kong and Greater China |
8 | 亚洲外商投资法Foreign Investment Law in Asia |
9 | 亚洲视角下的国际商业法International Business Law: An Asian Perspective |
10 | 兼并收购法Law of Mergers and Acquisitions |
11 | 国际与亚洲视角下的知识产权法与政策Intellectual Property Law and Policy – International and Asian Perspectives |
12 | 新加坡与香港的信托与财富管理Trusts and Wealth Management in Singapore and Hong Kong |