1 | 国际财务报表准则下的财务报表分析Financial Reporting in the IFRS World |
2 | 商业法律问题和风险Legal issues and Risks in Business |
3 | 风险治理Risk Governance |
4 | 税收筹划Tax Planning |
5 | 全球经济和金融市场解析Understanding the Global Economy and Financial Markets |
6 | 融资决策Financing Decision |
7 | 商业评估Business Valuation |
8 | 财务风险管理Financial Risk Management |
9 | 战略财务分析Strategic Financial Analysis |
10 | 道德和社会责任Ethics and Social Responsibility |
11 | 组织领导力Leadership in Organizations |
12 | 商业智能和分析Business Intelligence Analytics |
13 | 公司策略Corporate Strategy |
14 | 利益相关者关系管理Managing relationships with Stakeholders |
15 | 价值创造管理Managing for Value Creation |