1 | 量化研究方法Quantitative Research Methods |
2 | 定性研究方法Qualitative Research Methods |
3 | 批判探究Critical Inquiry |
4 | 教育政策关键问题Key Issues in Education Policy |
5 | 人的发展和学习理论Human Development and Learning Theories |
6 | 教育政策分析Educational Policy Analysis |
7 | 教育哲学Philosophy of Education |
8 | 全球化、教育和教学改革变化Globalization, Educational Change and Pedagogical Reform |
9 | 金融和资源管理Finance and Resource Management |
10 | 教育比较研究议题Comparative Issues in Education |
11 | 学校营销当代议题Contemporary Issues in School Marketing |
12 | 教育者道德和领导力Ethics and Leadership for Educators |
13 | 由内而外的领导艺术Leadership from Inside Out |
14 | 当代教育政策理论的历史和哲学基础Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Contemporary Theories in Educational Policy |
15 | 教师专业学习理论和实践Theory and Practice of Teachers’ Professional Learning |